Learn About Our Faculty
Dietetic Internship Director

Lindsey Menge, MS, RD, LD is the Dietetic Internship Director and a Senior Lecturer in the Nutrition and Foods Program of the School of Family and Consumer Sciences. She is also a registered dietitian and maintains a private practice specializing in oncology nutrition. She completed her Bachelor of Arts from the University of Texas at Austin, and her Masters of Science in Human Nutrition as well as her Dietetic Internship from Texas State University. During her master's program, she completed research with WellCats, Texas State's employee wellness program, investigating the food environment for employees at the university, with the goal of improving the healthfulness of worksite settings. She was awarded the Luxton Fellowship to continue this research. Presently, she continues this work, serving on the Leadership Team of WellCats (since 2019), where she oversees nutrition programming, program evaluation, and ongoing research efforts. She has co-authored a number of scientific articles and has presented research at national conferences.
Email Mrs. Menge
Graduate Program Coordinator for Future Students

Leia Downs, MS, RD, LD is a Lecturer and Graduate Program Co-Coordinator in the Nutrition and Foods Program of the School of Family and Consumer Sciences. She is also a registered and licensed dietitian and serves the community of San Marcos as a Clinical Dietitian at Christus Santa Rosa hospital. She completed her Bachelor of Fine Arts, her Master of Science in Human Nutrition, and her Dietetic Internship at Texas State University. During her graduate program, she worked as a Graduate Instructional Assistant as well as assisting Dr. Sylvia Crixell in her research. Ms. Downs currently teaches Food Science, Nutrition Science, and Nutrition and Genetics, in addition to her work as the Graduate Program Co-Coordinator.
Email Ms. Downs
Graduate Program Coordinator for Current Students

Graduate Faculty in Human Nutrition
“I felt like I was part of a family with the nutrition faculty at Texas State and that was further reaffirmed by the continuous support and guidance I received during the internship.”
– Crystal Alvarez, TXST MS/DI Class of 202